Image of man working in front of a computer with Linkd logo between the man and the computer
Two silhouette avatars


成为改变者 Pink arrow icon
Linkd icon to facilitates illustrating the separation between contents


A image of arrows pointing down
A image of a globe 它不仅仅是一所学校,而是一个社区。我们的目标是通过区块链连接人们。
A image of blocks chained together 区块链不仅仅是未来,而是一种选择。中本聪创建比特币的目的是为了打造一个更加去中心化的世界。
A image of a mortarboard 记住区块链的理念。我们是一个社区。我们彼此连接。我们相互联结。
资金提供者 The white logo of GrantShares

Here you will have several sources of learning

Linkd is a blockchain learning platform, our main tool is a learning system based on the Thinkfic learning management system platform.
Irregular hexagon background A flag icon


Irregular hexagon background A laptop icon


Irregular hexagon background A rocket icon


Linkd icon to facilitates illustrating the separation between contents

Forget everything you know about traditional courses, on Linkd you can learn with AI's help.

A image of arrows pointing down
Image of a woman having her face patterns being recognized

Synthesia logo

With the help of Synthesia, we were able to create courses in several languages, so that the student learns in his native language.

OpenAI icon inside a fluid mesh

Open AI logo With the help of OpenAI, we are able to integrate the minds and expertise of our diverse team of blockchain specialists
Grammarly logo inside a low poly brain

Grammarly logo

Grammarly helps us to write condensed, clear and engaging texts. This makes the reading experience as pleasant as possible.
Linkd icon to facilitates illustrating the separation between contents


Vertical pink line to facilitates illustrating the separation between title and content
A flag with the logo and 'Linkd Smart Economy Academy' written on it
考虑到传播区块链信息并吸引更多人参与讨论,Linkd Academy成为了一个集结人才的中心,您可以在这里学习和增加自己的知识,同时与讨论同样话题的人建立联系。赋权每个成员帮助构建具有相同兴趣和商业机会的大型社区。Linkd提供了大量关于区块链及其应用、选项和专注于多个学科领域的课程内容,是教育和创业相遇的地方。 您可以成为其中的一员。每个人对这个社区都有帮助,每一个洞见都是宝贵的。我们在一起,通过区块链连接人们。加入我们的Discord社区。