Deploying a Contract to Neo TestNet

Apr 30, 2024 12:03:09 AM

Deploying Contracts to Neo N3 TestNet

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy and update a smart contract on the Neo N3 TestNet. Deploying a contract to TestNet will make it available for testing and interaction with other developers, wallets, and explorers.


You will need the following to deploy a contract to the Neo N3 TestNet:

  • The RPC URL of the network you want to deploy to (‘API endpoint’).
    • For the Neo N3 TestNet, use the following URL: or
    • You can find other RPC options in the Dora Network Monitor. Filter by ‘Network’ and select ‘TestNet’.
      • Give preference to HTTPS endpoints.
  • An account with $GAS to pay for the deployment.
  • A compiled smart contract file, in the form of a .nef file along with its manifest file (.manifest.json)

You can deploy a contract to the Neo once you meet all the above requirements. The following sections will guide you through the process.

Coin Contract Example

This tutorial will use the Coin Contract example. Use an existing contract or follow the NEP-17 guide to create one.