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Installing Linkd Dev Tools

Apr 28, 2024 1:13:57 AM

Installing the Linkd Dev Tools Extension

The Linkd Dev Tools extension is a Visual Studio Code extension that helps you create, build, and deploy decentralized applications on the Neo blockchain.

Install the Extension

To install the extension, follow these steps:

  • Open Visual Studio Code.
  • Press Ctrl+Shift+X to open the extensions panel.
  • Search for Linkd Dev Tools.
  • Click Install.

Using the Extension

Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and type Linkd. You will see a list of commands that you can use during the development process.

The extension will automatically download the tools and dependencies you need to start developing on the Neo blockchain.

Supported Platforms

The Linkd Dev Tools extension is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

It’s built using different tools from the Neo ecosystem:

  • Neo C# Compiler (Neo Dev Pack): created and maintained by the Neo team.
  • Neo Java Compiler (Neow3j): created and maintained by AxLabs.
  • Neo Go Compiler (NeoGo): created and maintained by NSPCC.
  • Neo Python Compiler (Neo3-boa): created and maintained by the COZ.
  • COZ Package Manager (CPM): created and maintained by COZ.
  • COZ Props (Props): created and maintained by COZ.
  • Local Neo Blockchain (Neo Express): developed by NGD and maintained by the Neo team.
  • Dapp Kit (Neon Dapp Kit): created and maintained by COZ.
  • Neo Typescript SDK (Neon-js): created and maintained by COZ.
  • Neo Wallet Connect SDK (WalletConnect): created and maintained by COZ.